Fraud Alert: July 6, 2017

Summer Fraud Alert: Email “phishing” scam targets vacationing lawyers

July 6, 2017

A number of law firms in Ontario have recently been targeted by a type of social engineering fraud.  In what appears to be a coordinated attack, the perpetrator “spoofs” a vacationing lawyer’s email address making it appear that the email is actually sent by that lawyer by displaying their actual name in the “From:” line of the email. The email asks another lawyer in the office or staff to transfer funds on the pretext that the vacationing lawyer is unable to do so, given their absence from the office.  This is a variation of the “phony direction to pay” scam.

For more information relating to this Ontario fraud, including particulars of the banking details used, see LawPro’s Avoid-a-claim blog. And take further steps to protect yourself. Read our risk management tips and talk to your broker about buying commercial insurance for this risk  (protection for some of these scams is also provided to you through Part C of the compulsory Policy).  

If you suspect that you have encountered this fraud in BC, contact Barbara Buchanan, Conduct & Ethics, at 604.697.5816 or