Simple, inadvertent, oversights are one of the 5 key causes of claims and potential claims. They break down into 3 categories:
Flawed systems (30%)
These mistakes that would have been avoided through an effective, firm wide system. The vast majority relate to diary system failures, leading to missed limitations.
Sloppy practices or oops's (65%)
These include the unintentional clerical errors that we make when drafting documents, the mistakes that would have been avoided with a careful review of relevant file material and the mistakes that occur because we just ‘drop the ball’ and forget or overlook some step that needs to be taken.
Delegation without supervision (5%)
You delegate a task to an assistant or a student who makes a mistake, but only because you failed to provide proper supervision.
For real life examples from our claim files, watch these videos or, for the full story and CPD credit, watch our webinar.