1. Be aware of Tarsem Singh Gill and Surinder Kaur Gill
If you practise real estate law, you need to be aware of Tarsem Singh Gill, the individual accused of being the directing mind in BC’s largest real estate fraud scheme, and his spouse Surinder Kaur Gill. The fraud involved Vancouver lawyer Martin Wirick who acted with Tarsem Gill in a series of mortgage frauds that resulted in Wirick’s disbarment and incarceration. It also led to the Law Society of BC paying out more than $38 million in losses to innocent property purchasers and their lenders.
Read our Notice to Lawyers to find out what allegedly happened and what you can do to protect yourself.
2. Non-financial encumbrances — to review or not to review?
Real estate claims are consistently in the top three types of claims for both number reported and dollars spent. And every year, lawyers report claims where their clients allege they should have been advised about non-financial encumbrances. Take three minutes to watch this video of LIF Claims Counsel, Sherry Kooner, describing an actual claim file and providing key risk management tips.